Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ecstasy Cures Cancer?

The drug MDMA, or most commonly known as "Ecstasy", is one of the most popular recreational psychoatives or "club drugs". Ecstasy is mostly favored for it's euphoric and peaceful effects. MDMA is classified as a stimulant and it;s chemical name is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(Erowid).

According to an article in the International Business Times, scientists have proved that ecstasy may kill some cancer cells, and they have increased it's effectiveness 100-fold(by 100%). The specific diseases being cured are leukaemia, lymphoma & myeloma. To reduce the toxic effect on the brain, researchers re-engineered ecstasy by taking some atoms away and putting new ones in their place. John Gordon, a professor at the University of Birmingham's School of Immunology and Infection said "Where we've tested these new compounds we can wipe out 100% of the cancer cells in some cases". Although in some cases the treatments have only been shown to prolong life for about 2 months, and each treatments costs about $120,00 a year (that's $9,500 payments every month). To create new compounds researchers have teamed up with a group from the University of Australia. This treatment would ultimately erase the need for chemotherapy with these certain diseases because it is only attacking the cancer cells.

Since these treatmeants are so expensive and some only prolong life for about two months, it is a big question whether or not Obama Care will cover them. If they were to be covered by Obama Care insurance companies would struggle profoundly and would drown in debt because they can't afford it.

I believe once scientists are more confident in these treatments and they are atleast 90% sucessful in most cases Obama Care should cover the costs. Even though each treatment is extremely expensive it is worth saving the lives of the people that are trapped by these diseases.  Scientists have been searching for a cure to these diseases for centuries and now that we've found one we should put it to the best use of our ability.

Sources: (Fox 5 news report)


  1. There is a big difference between the killing of some cancer cells entirely and expanding life for just two months, right? But this research is quite exciting and it just goes to show that the label "drugs" is sometimes a misnomer. They're not always bad...and the United States has an unhealthy preoccupation with prohibition of drugs that have the potential for real medical benefits to sick individuals.

    How long would it take for scientists to become "more confident" in these treatments? That would take a lot of research and funding, too, sometimes to the billions of dollars. I wonder: is the government involved in halting some of this research due to our draconian drug policies? That would be interesting to know...

  2. I find it really fascinating that illegal drugs can be reengineered to help people that are fighting illnesses and possibly save their lives. Just because a drug is illegal, it is often condemned when it could be used in a positive way. Other posts exploring how street drugs are used in medicine would be a good read.

  3. This post is very interesting. We know so much about the cons of illegal drugs that we don't think about the pros. I know that sounded crazy, but maybe as a society we are bias towards certain drugs simply because the government deems them as illegal. If I had lymphoma and knew that taking ecstasy would save my life, would I take it? Probably, but if I knew it would only prolong my life for two months, I wouldn't. That would be a waste of time and money. And I'm sure the drug would be administered by physicians, but there are always possible side effects to any medications you take. Think of some of the effects of ecstasy on your brain and body. Would the effects be worth experiencing just to prolong my life for a month or two? Bottom line: This is an interesting post. Very thought-provoking and you bring up some great points.

  4. While using something such as Ecstasy to cure cancer is a great thing, I think I speak for a lot when I say taxes are going to be a big problem if this gets covered by Obama care. Thinking of it logically, 120k is not worth an extra 2 months. I'd be putting my family in a bit of extra debt just so i can see them and prolong the inevitable. At the same i'm sure we would all appreciate that extra 2 months to spend with our loved ones. My problem is the cost. I would feel pretty selfish forcing my family in debt for something in the long run doesn't make a difference realistically. Until that cost of production can come down, i'd be willing to to take whatever time the universe has given me and know that what has happened has happened and cannot happen any other way.
